Questions & Answers

Audio bending/quantizing using MIDI as template

+1 vote
asked Jan 18, 2024 in MIDI Editing by benschroeter (150 points)
Forgive me if this already exists, but it would be cool if we could use a midi track as a template for audio bending.

As an example, my electronic drum kit records both midi and 8 channels of audio, which can be routed into S1. I'm ashamed to say that my double kicks don't always land as intended and while I can edit the midi to clean things up, the audio is a more involved process of shifting things around for complex grooves, limiting the ability to compliment the recorded audio with additional samples.

Instead, it would be neat if we could set a midi track (more specifically a lane on that track) to act as the reference for audio bending. This is essentially the inverse of people using audio bending to then extract midi notes, whereby we could use carefully crafted midi notes to serve as "anchor points" for where the transients should be landing.

In practice, the system could link each transient with the most likely midi note not already spoken for.

I'm not sure how this would translate to other instruments, but I feel like it is a way of informing the audio bend algorithm using midi as a reference.