Questions & Answers

If you connect earphones or headphones directly to the LEVELATOR dynamic microphone, you will hear high-frequency sound.

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asked Feb 13, 2024 in Revelator Series by 태준박 (120 points)
When you connect earphones or headphones directly to the Levelator dynamic microphone, a high-frequency sound is heard. If there is no immediate solution, I would try using a 3-pole impedance plug. Please tell me how many ohms of a 3-pole impedance plug should I use to remove the high frequency sounds of a levelator dynamic microphone.

To use the Levelator dynamic microphone, you must purchase a 3-pole impedance plug separately. As a seller of Levelator dynamic microphones, please test the ohms value of the impedance plug and let me know right away. This is an issue that must be resolved as a presonus company.

Additionally, the impedance of the earphones and headphones I will connect to the microphone is 32 ohms. Please think about this and let me know.