Questions & Answers

Studiolive for live performance mixing with multiple amps

0 votes
asked Feb 18, 2024 in StudioLive Series III by jyarnold (270 points)
I’d like to plug all instruments and mics into a Studiolive 32C mixer and output the signal to the appropriate amps.  Guitar to guitar amp, bass to bass amp, vocals to monitor amps, etc.  And be able to mix instruments volume and effects while on stage and, additionally, be able to record and play it all back to the designated amps.

Is this even possible with this product or am I barking up the wrong tree?  I tried it with my Studio 192 and never accomplished what I wanted.  

IOWs; five musicians on stage each with their own amp/s and instruments all centralized to a SL32C while recording it and being able to play it back exactly as it was recorded to the same amps.  

I know I can record everyone and play it back on a stereo monitors but that’s not what we’re looking for.  We want the bass guitar recording playing back on the bass amp and only on the bass amp.  Guitars on guitar amps, vocals on …etc.

I haven’t purchased the SL32C yet and was hoping to confirm this configuration is possible. My guess is “no” based on latency induced from the SL32C making this live application a no go. But any experience with this or recos on something that can do this much appreciated.

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Feb 22, 2024 by robertweston2 (10,480 points)
selected Feb 27, 2024 by mackjohnson1
Best answer
You probably will be able to do what you are needing, however, the input stage (at the console) of each of the instruments may be problematic; there could be a lot of impedance mis-match issues at the consoles input.  You may need a lot of DI boxes to help with the input signal levels.

To get the sound back to the individual stage/instrument amps, just route their signals through the AUX mixes... each AUX mix would be an instrument.  Though, there could be impedance issues running from the console to an instrument/state amp inputs.

What you are wanting to do is not how any console is meant to be used... expect some road blocks.