Questions & Answers

USB insert for mixing with plugins live

+5 votes
asked Nov 24, 2023 in StudioLive Series Feature Requests by RobinKlose (170 points)
edited Nov 29, 2023 by RobinKlose
As soundguy i have to tell... your consoles are just great, very good sound, noiseless monitor mixes, have a great feedback from artists. BUT, as a waves superrack user (with powerfull computer) i would really like to use external processing for more channels than 16. I believe almost everyone is using AVB stagebox but i found it impossible (thanks to your tech support) to route channel 1 from AVB to weves and than back to channel 1 as USB return. My idea is to make something like USB insert which would allow us more channels of external DSP with using AVB. I found i can do that only with inputs on back side of the console, but that is not practical. So board is overall great, but today, when using plugins live is kind of future of mixing, this is only one thing i am missing. If there is really no chance to make it work just by some software update, maybe some not too expensive external hardware would be also nice solution. Before i started with livesound i was industrial designer so if you are interested in any other details please contact me, i think you already have my email :). Thanks for your time a have a nice day.