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Studio One RC cue mix overall level on a different page than the cue mix sliders

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asked Feb 22, 2024 in Hardware Integration / Remote Control by krollb (300 points)
Studio One RC is a great addition to S1 Pro, thanks.  I have 6 cue mixes set up using busses, working fine. Set up a few iPads to allow my musicians to control their own cue mixes using Studio One RC instead of bugging me.  It all works, but in Studio One RC you have chosen a weird layout that puts the sliders for balancing the levels of the busses in the cue mix on a completely different page from the overall volume slider for the cue mix.

My musicians are not engineers, and I was hoping to give then something as straightforward as QMix for Series III (I am not using a Series III, I am tracking in Studio One) that gives them only what they need to see, and all on one screen.  In Studio One RC the slider levels for the cue mix busses are Cue Mix/Channels with the appropriate Cue Mix selected in the dropdown - all good, but  two issues:

(a) the last slider on the right in that Cue Mix/Channels page is the Main slider - I don't want my musicians to be able to change the main, only their cue mixes. That slider changes the main out on the board for the overall mix.

(b) the slider to control the monitor volume for the selected cue mix is not on that screen.  They have to press "Outputs" to get to that page, then go back to the Cue/Channels page to adjust the Mix again.  

It would be a huge improvement if the Main slider were NOT on the Cue Mix screen, and instead, the Output slider for the cue mix that was selected in the dropdown was on there instead.  I know you are thinking of RC as a tool for the engineer, but this small change would (a) make more sense, even for the engineer and (b) would be safer and easier for use by musicians for cue mixes.
