Questions & Answers

Why is the Apply button not active in Strip Silence

0 votes
asked May 22, 2016 in Studio One 3 by michaeloconnell2 (200 points)
  • Intel i7
  • Windows 10
  • Version
  • Audiobox USB
I have recorded an audio mic track. I click on the track to select it. I click on the Strip Silence tool and the tool appears. I can change the values in the tool but the Applu button remains dimmed. I cannot apply the changes. What am I doing wrong?

4 Answers

+2 votes
answered May 24, 2016 by niles (54,670 points)
selected May 24, 2016 by michaeloconnell2
Best answer

You say you click on the track, but you should click on the audio event. Is Apply still grayed out when you do that?

0 votes
answered May 24, 2016 by michaeloconnell2 (200 points)
Thanks for the answer. I am a beginner and it is becoming obvious that I need a detailed reference book/tutorial for version 3. Can anyone recommend this? The videos on the PreSonus website and the product help aren't adequate. Thanks
0 votes
answered Feb 18, 2021 by brianhiggins5 (150 points)
I have the same problem so, the next question is, " What is an audio event?"
0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2023 by joshbahn (190 points)

Same problem here.

Be great if folks took the extra second to explain how to do that one thing that noob's are missing.  Everything is a rabbit hole.

What I figured out from a YT video finally is that you have to use the splitting tool to section off an event, then you'll be able to apply strip silence.
