Questions & Answers

how do i load FX Preset on CS18AI

0 votes
asked May 24, 2016 in StudioLive CS18Ai by eddysloof (220 points)
how can i load an FX Preset on a CS18AI? I can highlight for instance a Reverb Preset but how do i actually load it?



2 Answers

–1 vote
answered Jun 4, 2016 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points) 1 flag
Best answer
Section 5 of the CS18 Manual, Page 28:

***This addresses all interaction with an RM mixer, setting up Mix Scenes, Aux Mix and FX Routing Setup
0 votes
answered Jan 2, 2021 by jamieshea (510 points)
presonus' manual does not answer this question and should be disregarded.  There is no way to load presets from the CS18ai and there is no way to recover ones accidentally deleted as the firmware does not contain them.  avoid this product. (even though it's discontinued, it should be noted that they abandoned it before fixing this issue and should inform you about their lack of QA on products.