Questions & Answers

Data zoom controlled by MIDI

+2 votes
asked May 19 in Editing by kazukinishira (340 points)
Dear, Presonus

There is a "data zoom" that changes the visual size of the waveform, and I would like to be able to control this with MIDI.
This is very necessary when editing waveforms.

Currently, there is a keyboard shortcut, but one click changes only a little, and it is stressful to have to press it many times.

If MIDI is too difficult, please make it possible to zoom data with key + wheel, just as you can move the screen with shift + mouse wheel.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered May 27 by Tucker Slough (260 points)
Yes. Please Presonus incorporate this! You should be able to assign a function to zoom in and out with a knob. There has to be a way to do it because you can do it on the Atom SQ..
0 votes
answered Jun 27 by kazukinishira (340 points)
I came up with a good idea.

If it is difficult to control by MIDI or wheel, could it be possible to change Data Zoom by value?

If there are commands such as "Data Zoom 100%" or "Data Zoom 50%" in the macro tool, keyboard shortcuts can be used to achieve this.

Sorry if the English is strange because I am using translation software.