Questions & Answers

Cant access my presonus account

0 votes
asked Jul 10, 2023 in Studio One+ by Drumman (120 points)
reshown Jul 14, 2023 by Drumman
Everytime i log in i cant access my account, product or support page. I have tired clearing my browser cache etc. Im using chrome but i have tried edge as well. Nothing seems to work. I have an active subscription to sphere but i cant use it currently.

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 23, 2023 by carterfoxegizi (140 points)
Same. I paid for my monthly subscription and it's telling me that my demo has ran out. I activated through Studio One+ and tried offline, but my product key is not available anywhere. On MyPresonus, my plan is green and says 'Active', but nothing I do will allow me to access my paid for program. Gotta say, I'm pretty furious atm.
0 votes
answered Jul 28, 2023 by hanspeterjrissen (180 points)
The same for me too.

lg Hnaspeter
0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2023 by hanspeterjrissen (180 points)

For me it was the Nord VPN. I turned it off and immediately I was able to log back in

lG Hanspeter
