Questions & Answers

After typing in my product key, the message "Invalid Username/password" pops up. How do i fix this?

+3 votes
asked Jun 3, 2016 in MyPreSonus Questions by amayasolomon (180 points)
I registered through google plus. I am using a Mac, and I am trying to install studio one 3. Also, when attempting to login I tried both my email and username. No luck. Please help immediately.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 7, 2016 by PreSonuSales2 (68,140 points)
Best answer
Here's an article that may assist you further: You account should have been created under the same login info that your Google Plus account is under, so you should be able to log in at using that information.

If you're having trouble remembering your password, you can click on the "Forgot your password?" link to do a password reset. It will only let you reset the password for an e-mail address with an active account, so this is also a quick way to find out which e-mail is/is not registered.