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1818VSl with purple (weak blue) usb sync light. and its not working.

0 votes
asked Jul 3, 2016 in AudioBox USB by campagnolo00 (220 points)

there are at least 3 years that i bought this interface and never had any problem. 

but just now, just after turning it on, it shows a weak blue light (that looks purple) and its not regonized by the PC. 

i tried everything i could:
i turned it on and off, restarted computer, changed the place where its pluged, pluged in and out the usb in every port of my pc. pluged out the usb from the interface, scaned for new devices, failed to try to reinstall the driver (it says there is no device connected to my computer). 

the phanton power buttons are working well, it shines the normal bright blue light, so i has to have something to do with that purple usb sync light.

it shows the weak blue light even with just the power chord pluged (no usb or any cable pluged in to it)

audiobox application doesnt open. 

i have no idea of what to try, please help me. 
sorry for my bad english, im brazilian.


  • Your Computer Make and Model - windows 10, it 3770k 16gb RAM maximus formula V
  • Audio Interface and it's Driver Version - presonus 1818vsl (dont know the driver number)

3 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 5, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
The purple light you're describing is usually seen when the sync light flashes between blue and red so quickly that it appears purple.

I would recommend verifying you're using the original power supply. If you have another power supply that has the same specs you may wish to try it as well.

If the issue persists you'll want to create a support ticket to seek repairs (if you are in the US).

If you are outside the US you can actually contact your distributor for information regarding service directly by finding your respective distributor's contact info here:
+1 vote
answered Nov 19, 2017 by campagnolo00 (220 points)
I still have the problem above, it makes past two years i wrote the above, but the issue persist and i'v been just living with it... every time i turned the interface off, when i turned it on again it would show the purple light for a few days, and then come back to work with some luck,

i even bought another original power supply as sugested (but it was no use), a few weeks ago, when i turned it on, it went purple,and there is almost a month im unable to use it......

is there any workaround i could try before asking help to a tech and paying for repair?
0 votes
answered Apr 27, 2022 by jasonchiu1 (140 points)
Googling brought me here, and I made an account just to share my experience.  My work has about 48 of these units purchased around October 2010.  We are starting to see a lot of these now and it usually occurs after a unexpected power cut/surge of some sort.  We don't turn them off after use as they are used daily Monday - Friday. We've nicknamed it "Purple Light of Death" around here.  Once it occurs, it will re-occur frequently if it recovers from that state.  Some don't recover at all..  At this point, we've decided as a business to replace them if we ever see them as having one go down during business hours affects us a lot.  The problem started around 2 years ago, and today we have about half of these units replaced with a different brand now.  Some of them are reaching 12 years, so I guess it has served us well from daily use.