Questions & Answers

My Audiobox Usb its not working!!!!

0 votes
asked Sep 26, 2018 in AudioBox USB by hwgs (150 points)

My Audiobox works only in Phones,
With the headphones i can hear the inputs, but i dont have signal transfer via USB cable to the DAWS or anything!!!
I tryed on Windows and MAC OS.
I have instaled the Universal Control on both OS and nothing!
Firmware update OK, USB cord OK, Driver OK. But nothing!!!
All the settings on DAWS is correct with ASIO, and i have no signal LVL

1 Answer

–2 votes
answered Sep 26, 2018 by AlexTinsley (925,570 points)
Best answer
On the front of the AudioBox USB is the Mix Knob, it should be sitting at 12 o'clock so you can hear a mix of audio coming into the inputs and coming out from the computer. If you have it turned all the way over in either direction you're going to have the issue you're having.

Please review the User Guide found in your account or on the product download page for step by step instructions on how to use the AudioBox USB.