Questions & Answers

Studio One - Lost ability to merge midi

+1 vote
asked Aug 14, 2016 in Studio One 3 by martyc1 (1,850 points)
I must have hit a keyboard shortcut because when I select multiple midi or audio events on one track, I no longer have the option to merge them.  I am sure this is some quick fix that I don't know about yet.  This is only when right clicking and selecting merge from the secondary menu.  Hitting G works fine.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 17, 2017 by lawrencefarr (221,510 points)
Best answer
If the Merge command is working from G but not from the context menu, it may be a small system anomaly of some kind.   Try restarting the song to see if it works.   If the context menu doesn't work in that song or any song the first thing to do is to run the Studio One installer again and if that doesn't cure the issue, make a support ticket.

If you make a support ticket be sure to include all relevant information and if possible, include an image showing the clips you are trying to merge and of the Merge menu expanded while those clips are selected.