Studio One offers many quantization options. But these options are always global (there is only one set of current settings) and not available as clip parameters / per clip. Q-Settings are not easily changable afterwards once applied. You always have to setup quantization presets and "apply" them in order to use them and the q-settings are not remembered per clip so that you could change one of the q-parameters easily for fine-tuning. Selecting clip A after changing the q-settings for clip B will still have the settings for B active as these settings are a singleton.
So what I am suggesting here are the following changes:
- make quantization fully non-destructive (no "apply" required)
- make quantization parameters specific to the clip they belong to
(they become clip properties)
-> clicking on different clips will load and show their specific q-settings in the q-editor
-> there is no longer a "global" set of q-settings but each clip has its own ones
-> allow to edit multiple clips at the same time (they will end up having the same yet independent q-settings)
- allow to enable / disable quantization per clip:
-> when enabled: auto-use the clip's current q-settings
-> when disabled: play the clip with its original / manually configured timing
-> add a tool that allows to enable and disable q for multiple clips at once
-> add a tool to batch transfer the q-settings between clips
- add a control to the q-settings which allows to control the q-weight / q-strength in a linear fashion
(as all q-settings: non-destructive!)
-> at 0% the q-settings do not have any effect on the original timing of notes
-> at 100% the q-settings have their full effect and everything follows the q-grid setup
-> at anything between 0% and 100% the param will continously shift the notes towards their final positions as set up with the q-settings; e.g. 50% is a equally weighted blend between the original timing and the q-settings
-> as q-settings are applied non-destructive this control can be changed at any time (experimentation!)
-> it would help a lot if the fader for this control would allow realtime visual feedback while moving it!!
This behavior would be much easier to handle than the current "apply" / global q-settings approach and would indeed be much more logical because each clip has its own non-destructive q-settings.
Please have a look at this request, too:
Thanks :)