Questions & Answers

How to connect Studiolive via FireWire to Mac

+2 votes
asked Sep 3, 2016 in Classic Mixers by mattdelcambre (180 points)
I can't get my Mac (2GB, Leopard) and Studiolive 16.4.2 to connect and recognize each other. The computer finds the connection under the FireWire port sections in the System Profiler but my Studiolive says there is no driver. I have the correct cable and have confirmed that it is operational. I'm really not sure how to hook it up as all the information given online is very confusing. I'm trying to route this so I can record multi-tracks with Garageband using the Studiolive. Any help is appreciated!

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Sep 7, 2016 by AlexTinsley (925,510 points)
selected Dec 11, 2016 by ghasenbeck
Best answer
The only version of Universal Control that is supported on Mac OS X 10.5 is Universal Control 1.2.

You may have installed a newer version of Universal Control that does not support this old version of OS X.

Please review this article on how to remove Universal Control from your system:

Then once it's removed, you'll need to reinstall Universal Control 1.2 found at the very bottom of this page:

If you are still having this issue, then there may be a problem with the 1394 ports either on your Mac or on the StudioLive 16.4.2

1394 / FireWire is NOT a hot plug technology like USB is. You must power down both the mixer and the computer before connecting or disconnecting the 1394 cable.

Try plugging a 1394 Hard Drive into the computer to verify the 1394 port is working, and/or plug the 16.4.2 into another computer to verify that the 1394 on it is working. If the mixer is still not recognized then you'll need to contact us to see about getting the unit repaired as the 1394 port may no longer be operational. You can contact us at
0 votes
answered Nov 5, 2016 by tomlewis (150 points)
This does not apply to newer Studiolive AI 24.4.2 mixer. Want to connect Firewire to newer Mac(s) with Thunderbolt.