Questions & Answers

my mac couldn't find the faderport during the update.

0 votes
asked Sep 5, 2016 in FaderPort Classic by junhyeoklee (120 points)

Hello. I have a question to you. 
First, sorry for my bad english because I'm korean. 
I bought the Faderport what is second hand article by someone. 
Then I'm trying firmware update, I can't. 
I removed all MIDI devices. even audio interface. 
and connect to USB2 connector. 
but I can't. My mac can't find the faderport. 
of course 1.3.3, 1.3.5 and 1.3.8 
What can I do? 

MAC OS X El Capitan 10.11.6

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 7, 2016 by rickcobiandelvalle (140 points)
I"m having, almost, the same problem. I'm stock because my MAC doesn't have USB2, so I will try to do the installation with an older MAC with USB2. I'm will confirm you if i successfully make it work. Cause if not, then I'm pretty sure is all about the OS10.11.6.

Let me know if you make it work...

Thanks :)