Questions & Answers

Can you integrate patch names for external MIDI devices (such as using middev, midnam standards)?

+88 votes
asked Sep 8, 2016 in Studio One Feature Requests by bradenmcdonald (270 points)
Cubase, Digital Performer, ProTools (and surely a host of others) incorporate the use of what appears to be a standard for a DAW looking up external MIDI device patch names and device configurations. These files are .middev (defining manufacturer devices) and .midnam (which specify the patch names). Since "the wheel has been built" here, in that many, many of these files already exist and are a defined standard out there, it seems like it wouldn't be that much to ask for PreSonus to code in the reference to look them up and assign them. This functionality should also include calling up patches from the patch list. Just look at how Cubase or DP do it, as they do it well. I realize that users today seem to run mostly virtual synths, but those of us who have been doing this for decades have racks of outboard synths, effects processors, and what have you which all respond to MIDI patch commands. It is *extremely* handy to have the DAW call up the proper patches for the song/project in use, rather than having to turn away from the computer and put your hands on the rack, turning knobs, punching buttons, etc.

I am hopeful that you will undertake this little coding project. Thanks for what appears to be an otherwise great product. (I'm demoing it presently.) I love the other PreSonus gear that I own. Best regards.

16 Answers

+1 vote
answered Nov 27, 2022 by musicsamurai (1,130 points)
selected Jun 23 by Lukas Ruschitzka
Best answer

A very cute solution for this problem, thanks to Studio One Scripts | Studio One Toolbox (

Create Sound Variations

Studio One Toolbox lets you easily convert the following file formats into Sound Variations for instant use in Studio One:

- Cubase Expression Maps (.expressionmap)
- Cubase Patch Scripts (.txt)
- Cakewalk Instrument Definitions (.ins)

Just drag a file onto this website and it gets instantly converted into a Studio One 5.2 Sound Variation file.

Copy the downloaded Sound Variation file into your Studio One presets folder (Presets/User Presets/Key Switches) or drag it directly onto the Studio One Sound Variation Editor.

Studio One Scripts | Studio One Toolbox (

+13 votes
answered Sep 9, 2016 by musicmould (1,870 points)
edited Sep 9, 2016 by musicmould
I totally second that!

I come from Logic Pro X and there I had actually entered patch names myself for my Juno-106 and Prophet 5 that mede it super-easy to call up presets from the DAW. A sorely missed feature.
+6 votes
answered Nov 5, 2016 by drc123 (280 points)
Those standards were beginning to take shape by the early '90's at least, and it makes integration with workstation keyboards a breeze! For my workflow, this has been a make or break issue since I'm not smart enough, nor have enough time to memorize all my keyboard patches...
+10 votes
answered Feb 23, 2017 by ruudharbers (360 points)
I would really love to see this feature added to Studio One! I mainly work with midi and some old synths/workstations, and I keep going back to Cubase to write my stuff. It's too cumbersome to do it in Studio One, with the absence of easily selecting my patches.

My deepest gratitude if you can make this request happen.
+12 votes
answered Mar 30, 2017 by Cafon (360 points)
I got a lot of old Roland JV, sound Canvas series  plus Ketron/Solton  keyboards and using it for many years. This is the MAIN reason I dont change for Studio One. As soon as they fix this BUG I buy it !

Please "urgent" add patchnames (sound list) for midi hardware on Studio one

Thanks, great program you have.

+7 votes
answered Nov 7, 2017 by timofinkbeiner (3,240 points)
it is an old wish and I really hope there will be a feature for this in version 4 (maybe coming in 2018?). This is the main reason which kept me away in the past from using S1 as my main daw.

Here is the link to my question and another link to the same topic:

Kind regards,
+6 votes
answered Aug 2, 2018 by alberthislop (1,000 points)
Yes, for external instruments please implement bank definitions and importing/editing patch names and selecting patches in a pull down list like VI's.
+8 votes
answered Jul 6, 2019 by treviswilliams (620 points)
The guys at Presonus have done a great job by adding lots of console features and audio edit features to make Studio One comparable to other industry standard DAWs.  Allowing patch name scripts to apply to external gear would make this DAW complete.  How many upvotes do we need?  If you just make it possible, I am sure the community would be glad to create the scripts for the different modules just like Steinberg did with ScriptMaker.  Come on guys, I have been watching Studio one since version 2, and switch from Steinberg when you dropped v4 hoping this would be added.  I need this in my life right now.  I am not trashing my 8 external boards and I'd hate to go back to Cubase.  We need that!
+3 votes
answered Feb 11, 2020 by rohanwalker (920 points)
Well, it looks like a lot of people are also in the same situation that I find myself. I have spent 40 years building a midi system with the capacity of addressing over 256 individual tones simultaneously. Yes, all of this capacity is lost to me because Studio One will not address the patches. It took me many months to map them correctly in my previous DAW, and all of that work is now on a shelf that I cannot access. Also, with 40,000 roland D50/D550 patches available, and 460,000 patches for the DX7 all available in the public domain. but not available, it is a tremendous resource that is lost to all of us. 250 separate external instruments that are 'addressable" but not "accessible" would certainly decrease my/our dependence on speed and efficiency of computer based CPU and Memory capacity. there is a company out there called "Sound Quest" who have built computer based controllers in tremendous detail for a huge range of midi devices. and a "Midi Implementation chart" does not need great study in order to facilitate some simple control such as "patch select" and "bank select" and displaying the result in an integrated table view. On bended knee I would ask Presonus to please look at the idea of implementing such a facility. All musicians have to cow-toe to the changes that the large software companies force upon us, and most of the time it means losing access to extremely expensive hardware that musicians and composers have spent tremendous life resources to aquire and configure, that we are forced to forego, not by choice.
+3 votes
answered Aug 29, 2020 by kirkeeb (440 points)
YES PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE! It seems pretty basic to add. Most folks have external synths in their quiver and it would make so much sense to have it.
+3 votes
answered Oct 27, 2020 by Raymond (290 points)
This is actually the one feature that would make my transition from Cakewalk Sonar to Studio One complete... Please implement this!
0 votes
answered May 17, 2021 by fabcos (250 points)
I'd like to second that too, have used logic, cubase digital performer and protools as well for decades, only reason why studio one is not my 1st DAW yet is because i can't remember by heart the presets of my five sounds modules in my 19" rack and I use midi a lot for arrangements (keeps me creative and does not load my CPU)...

I love SO MUCH that (non convoluted and intuitive) workflow, please listen to your users :)
0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2021 by martijnkoek (140 points)
O yes, please add this to Studio One!
0 votes
answered Aug 20, 2021 by bradenmcdonald (270 points)
Ok, so it's been almost 5 years since I asked this question, and obviously PreSonus hasn't considered it important enough to develop. Sad. Since then, I've become a loyal Cubase user and fan, so thanks for nothing, PreSonus.
0 votes
answered Sep 11, 2022 by jpsonicajp (220 points)
Midi device pathnames list for our external midi outboard gears in Studio One 5. Please add this long overdue feature.
0 votes
answered Jun 23 by Lukas Ruschitzka (260,950 points)
Take a look at this video. It shows how to organize and select Patch Names in your hardware instruments by using Sound Variations:
