Questions & Answers

AudioBox USB Frequent Buzz noise

0 votes
asked Sep 24, 2016 in AudioBox USB by calvinhong (150 points)
Hi guys,

So recently I've been having issues with my recordings as well as all around use. There's been this buzz noise that's become frequent within everyday use and I'm not sure where this is coming from. I've read up about swapping the USB ports, increasing the power output as well as the drivers. I'm not sure what else to do than ask around here because at this point, I might assume that it's a hardware issue and I should look for either a replacement or a repair.


Lower the volume of this sound and make it happen every 15-20 seconds and you have my problem

(note: had to turn up the gain/ volume of the buzz to make it audible enough)

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 28, 2016 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
selected Sep 28, 2016 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

Shouldn't make that sound.

First review this article on why you might be hearing or getting noise on your AudioBox USB

If that does not work, then you may have a defective unit. If you're within your return grace period from whom you've purchased it from, exchange it from where you purchased it if you can.

If not, log in to your Presonus Account and create a Support Ticket at or by visiting Support Techs can troubleshoot the issue with you and if necessary issue an RA to have it repaired. If you purchased it new an RA would be covered under warranty, if you purchased it used, it may not have an active warranty and may be subject to a repair fee. 
