Questions & Answers

RM 32 AI - Limited or No Connectivity. Searchs, but error comes up, not able to access settings

0 votes
asked Nov 3, 2016 in Ai Mixers by giantgumball69692 (200 points)
I have a RM 32 AI. My desk top is using our wireless network. When I follow the instructions to hook my mixer to the wireless, it is reconized in the UC but when I click on it to open it, it errors out with the Limited or No Connectivity on the mixer. HELP! I am not sure if running Windows 10 helps?

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2016 by giantgumball69692 (200 points)
Thank you for your help :)

6.  When your RM-series mixer does appear in the window, click/tap on the icon to connect and open the UC Surface mix window.  A blue swirl in the lower right shows the attempt to connect.  

This is the step I get to .. I get the limited or connectivity error and I do not get the blue swirl. I get a white circle that is thinking.
0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
Did you continue with step 7 to 13?

13.  Quit UC Surface (close the device window) and power cycle the RM mixer, removing the wired connection between the router and the RM mixer.

Now, every time you turn on your StudioLive RM-series mixer, it will:

A.  Look for a wired Ethernet connection and use it if one is found.
B.  If no wired connection is found, it will check whether the USB Wi-Fi LAN adapter is plugged in.
C. If the Wi-Fi LAN adapter is found, the mixer will look for, and attempt to connect to, the wireless network it has been configured to use.
0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2016 by giantgumball69692 (200 points)
Yes but I cant get the UC to my wireless network so they will "talk" so I cant get past step 6. :( this is so frustrating as the directions are horrid! LOL
0 votes
answered Nov 4, 2016 by wahlerstudios (105,370 points)
I suppose I can't help you any further. I'm no Windows and network specialist anyway. You can open a support ticket to get some help from PreSonus and you can also ask for help in the forums. For some themes there is not one single or simple answer and it need a closer look (computer, firewalls, network, firmware, dongle...). There are several threads about WiFi connectivity and the solutions have often been "individual".