Questions & Answers

AudioBox and other software from Universal Control cannot be initialized.

0 votes
asked Nov 28, 2016 in AudioBox USB by chadmchugh (150 points)
I own a Lenovo PC, Model #: F0AW0035US and I run Microsoft Windows 10. I use AudioBox iTwo. I downloaded  and used the PreSonus_Universal_Control_1.8.1.39355Control driver to install it.

So that's all the technical information. The true problem is that when I start up Studio One it begins to activate a number of different things. One of which should be AudioBox but I'm greeted with a message that says, "The audio device AudioBox could not be initialized. Please check your hardware configuration and try again." I'm not really sure what to do. I've tried everything I can think to do.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 29, 2016 by mattcaprio (147,580 points)
Best answer
This may be due to some changes Microsoft made in Windows 10 regarding what are referred to as "signed drivers".

Try installing the UC 1.8.2 beta driver found here:
0 votes
answered Apr 18, 2018 by johnwhite22 (630 points)
Try plugging it into the back of the computer, i.e. directly into the motherboard, rather than the front.

Sounds stupid and simple but worked first try.