Questions & Answers

Why can't I hear any sound?music/beats in Studio One 3 even with my AudioBoxiTwo & mic connected?

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asked Dec 28, 2016 in Studio One 3 by tameyahfleming (170 points)
I just go a presonus audiobox itwo with the mic & eris 34.5 speakers included it a working for a couple f days but then one day I coudnt hear any of the beats or instrumentals I included in my songs anymore literally nothing. I even tried uninstalling it but even that didn't work.

1 Answer

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answered Dec 30, 2016 by jimgreen1 (140 points)
I experienced this problem last night after I had closed the program and later reopened it.  After trying a number of things, I finally reinstalled the driver and that seemed to fix the problem.