Questions & Answers

Studio One Forum improvement - better organize sections to find answers faster

+11 votes
asked Jan 3, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by -tunes- (1,580 points)
edited Jan 3, 2017 by -tunes-

[Note: if you are downvoting please make a comment as to why]

The short version: 

Finding solutions and answers to issues is incredibly difficult in the Presonus Forums. I personally feel they need to be broken down into more granular areas that are more focused on specific areas.

The longer version:

Finding exactly what you are searching for could be greatly improved by adding some more granular section divisions in the Presonus Forums. The current layout and category choices could be much improved. While tagging helps it doesn't provide enough separation of OS platform, interface, and software issues as they relate to specific areas. Searching the forums/knowledgebases often returns scores of results that are not related to the question or the problem a person is trying to solve. I suggest additional or separate areas for the following:

  • Trouble Shooting Macintosh Studio One issues separated by: 
    • s1 v.3 pro
    • s1 v.3 artist
    • etc...
  • Trouble Shooting Macintosh hardware interface issues (i.e. How to setup hardware, Hardware not recognized, aggregating components)
    • Section for each brand of interface (Mac), e.g.:
      • Presonus 
      • M-Audio
      • Focusrite
      • B e h r i n g e r
      • Universal Audio
      • Apogee
      • IK Multimedia
      • etc,

  • Section for Studio One software configuation (Mac) (i.e. setup or starting from scracth on setting up hardware, input output aggregation)
  • Section for Studio One software configuation (Windows) (i.e. setup or starting from scracth on setting up hardware, input output aggregation)
  • Trouble Shooting Windows Studio One issues
    • s1 v.3 pro
    • s1 v.3 artist
    • etc...
  • Trouble Shooting Windows hardware interface issues
    • Section for each brand of interface (Windows), e.g.:
      • Presonus 
      • M-Audio
      • Focusrite
      • B e h r i n g e r
      • Universal Audio
      • Apogee
      • IK Multimedia
      • etc,

Creating areas for each interface allows the respective manufacturers to respond directly to Studio One users (it also allows users to post links to others users specific to a brand of interface. Creating areas for specific OS platforms (mac, windows) thins out unrelated posts a user needs to go through to find relevent information on their specific platform. All users and all posts should require tags for OS, Studio One version, interface, and issue (hardware or software) Without these tags, helpful solutions become obfuscated by the minutae of the problems. By requiring them, a Windows user is not going to see posts relating to Macs, or posts about a Focusrite interface when they have a Preonus interface.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 10, 2017 by ghasenbeck (355,490 points)
Best answer

Thank you for the feature request. 

If anyone else agrees or disagrees, then please vote it up, or down. 

To vote:

In agreement click on the little blue triangle pointing up.

In disagreement click on the little blue triangle pointing down.

The developers pay close attention to those that are voted on the most. 

You are allowed one vote. 

Just viewing and agreeing but not clicking on the vote does not help the issue. 

Please click on one or the other. 

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2017 by mansurevindar (800 points)
Adding pop-up future to see the attachments fully and detailed!

In order to see those pictures fully and detailed there should be a pop-up option when you click on the picture.

(Because as it is now, that is not possible to see the pictures in full size without zooming in).