Questions & Answers

Audiobox USB-computer will not recognize usb device

0 votes
asked Jan 20, 2017 in AudioBox USB by grantkennedy (220 points)
I have an audiobox USB. When i plug it into my laptop i get a message that windows cannot recognize the usb device. I registered the product and installed the correct driver. I tried it on another computer and it worked so the device does not appear to be defective. I am not sure what I can do or what i could be missing.

Product: Audiobox USB Black

Computer: Dell Inspiron 2 in 1 7000

OS: Windows 10 64 bit

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jan 27, 2017 by paulclarke2 (27,400 points)
Best answer

The best way to resolve this issue is by creating a support ticket from your my.presonus account.

Be sure to attach system info files to your ticket:
