Questions & Answers

Guitar plugged in dry but getting weird delay signal.........what the heck am I doing wrong?

0 votes
asked Feb 25, 2017 in Studio One 3 by randylodder (250 points)
Im trying to use the built in amp sim in Studio One Artist3. Every time I plug my guitar in I get a delay happening. I strum a chord or note and it repeats once. If I use the sim, the first signal is dry then it repeats with the amp sound. Ive watched as many videos as I can about recording the guitars and as far as I can tell, Im not doing anything wrong. It is worth adding though that this is my first experience with a DAW system Ive only had this a few days. I expected to be recording by now but Im still working out bugs and learning. If anyone can help I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you in advance.

1 Answer

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answered Feb 25, 2017 by redbird (1,830 points)
Okay, I had this exact same issue. I sent a ticket to PreSonus support, and this is what the guy said. Okay

There is a way to lower your latency, which always exists with digital recording.

The delay you are hearing is known as computer audio latency. This has to do with the buffersize setting that is set for your audio interface. If that buffersize setting is set to high when you are monitoring the processed audio from your DAW, then you will hear the delayed signal coming back from your computer as latency.

* Each computer has a different threshold for the buffesize setting that it can handle and still process the audio that is coming from the DAW. Just like certain cars can go faster than others can, certain computers can handle lower buffersize setting rates, while others can not. Other factors can be at play as well, such as the amount of processing that is needed to process the audio data being converted. Songs with heavy effects, automations and/or higher track counts may not be able to run lower buffersizes for songs with high counts of effects, automations and track counts. So each song and/or each computer can be different in this regard.

You will need to test different buffersizes from your audio interfaces control panel to find the happy medium that allows you to monitor the playback with an acceptable amount of latency. Typically, most PC computers can handle 256 and many can go as low as 128. More robust computers with high processing power, memory and that are well optimized may be able to go lower, but that is not typical with consumer grade PCs.

If you want to lower this, here is my advice. This is me talking now, not technical support. So, open up the AudioBox control panel. It might be called AudioBox or Universal Control. There should be a number. Increase that number low for recording, and higher for mixing for speedy mixing. Like the person said, try 256 or even 128 for the latency when recording.

Thanks, hope this helps, and good luck!