Questions & Answers

Crossfading midi tracks and control surfaces

+1 vote
asked Feb 25, 2017 in Studio One 3 by andrewlino (160 points)
I am currently evaluating Studio one and haven't been able to figure a few things out. If I can make a couple of things happen, I am sold.I am not so much concerned with the recording features. I plan to use studio one's features to play live using a midi instrument and using studio one to handle switching between instrument sounds and effects.

First, I have midi keyboard with no knobs and faders. Would I be able to use a second device to control software knobs within studio one using the midi learn feature? For example, is there a usb mixer/ control surface I can use to control the cutoff control on presence instruments?

Second, While playing my midi instrument (keyboard) is it possible to crossfade between sounds/tracks? Think Skynard;s Tueusdays gone... In the beginning, I would use something like a pad sound for the first four bars of the intro. At the end of the fourth bar, the sound crossfades to an rotary organ.

So before I invest the $400 for studio one and another $??? for a control surface, these things would be good to know. If I could crossfade, handle controls like cuttoff, volume etc. and maybe even switch sounds via push of a button though a device external from my keyboard, I'd be very happy. Is this possible? Are there any videos online showing such features? Can you recommend a decent external controller?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 10, 2017 by Jamesrhone1 (200,340 points)
Best answer

Would I be able to use a second device to control software knobs within studio one using the midi learn feature?

1. Yes, as long as you have open MIDI ports you can connect as many devices to Studio One as needed. Just create a "New Surface Controller" and MIDI learn the controls with Control Link. Then assign as needed. Here is a short video on Control Link:

Is there a usb mixer/ control surface I can use to control the cutoff control on presence instruments? 

2.Yes, Please give Presonus Sales a call: (225).216.7887 ext 3.

While playing my midi instrument (keyboard) is it possible to crossfade between sounds/tracks?

3. If you are playing live and have the track in Studio One playing, you can add MIDI Program Change Automation to switch patches, or Automate the mute/umute of tracks.

 If I could crossfade, handle controls like cuttoff, volume etc. and maybe even switch sounds via push of a button though a device external from my keyboard, I'd be very happy. Is this possible? Are there any videos online showing such features? 

4. Yes, you can do this. Here are a somesvideos from a quick Google Search, but there are many more: 
