Questions & Answers

Why is Firestudio 2626 not included in the free vst gift from Presonus?

0 votes
asked Mar 19, 2017 in Legacy Interfaces by laumann (250 points)

I've got StudioOne 3 Professional - and a FireStudio 2626. I've been reading a lot about the fine gift from Presonus in the shape of a bunch of VSTs - among others a Lexicon reverb. I was looking foreward to recieve the mail. BUT - now I see, that the SireStudio 2626 is NOT included as a recipient of the gift.

Is that on purpose or is it a human error...? Again, we're just human, so it could be an error...

Looking foreward to an answer.

Kind Regards
Lars L., Denmark

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 19, 2017 by gadget69 (31,130 points)
selected Apr 10, 2017 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
The free plug-in promotion is only eligible for current hardware products.

The firestudio 2626 is a discontinued product...