Questions & Answers

Please add group mode master toggle

+20 votes
asked Apr 29, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by dominicromano (280 points)
Hello, so I am a convert of studio one now. I love it and use it in my professional studio, however there is a relatively simple thing that Protools has that I can't find an equivilent to in Studio One. When running a band session live, I often want to have everything grouped for doing takes, but able to easily change in and out of group mode to add things or change the volume of  a particular channel.

The only way I've found is to individually select each track and pull up the drop down menu, and deselect the group which can get brutal when you have a 5 piece band with 10 mics on drums etc. It'd be great if there was a simple way to enable/disable all groupings without getting rid of them.

3 Answers

+4 votes
answered Apr 30, 2017 by mauroiuliano (3,690 points)
Groups in studio one are just awful. They should just take PT as an example and develope accordingly
+7 votes
answered May 1, 2017 by musicmould (1,870 points)
Grouping in Studio One needs to be severely upgraded.

A "group clutch" is on top of my list but it doesn't stop there. Almost all grouping features available in other DAWs are missing.

Pro Tools, LPX and Cubase beats the **** out of Studio One any day when it comes to grouping.
+1 vote
answered May 12, 2017 by mauroiuliano (3,690 points)
Most important thing about group to me is the ability to link plugins (included third party which are the ones I use) to be grouped in order to edit them together