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32.4.2AI Routing, DCA/Group, and Effect updates?

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asked Dec 1, 2022 in Ai Mixers by noahmack1 (120 points)
While I know the 32.4.2AI is out of date, its still a powerful console, and I think 32.4.2AI owners like myself would love a feature update. Over my life with it, here have been my main struggles on my console, and how it could be made better with a software update.

1: Virtual DCA on UC Surface, the 32.4.2 only has 4 subgroups, which often isnt enough. Could you add "virtual software subgroups"? This would be useful as then I can have 8+ subgroups to work with.

2. Patchable channels.

3. When using a RM32AI as a stagebox (simple I/O mode,) the effects dont pass through from the console DSP. Could you make it so I can manage the 4 effects from the 32.4.2AI (at the moment effects dont work when using simple stagebox,) Also, could we get a couple more effects then reverb and delay? Maybe a vocoder, amp distortion, tremolo, ect..
