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Why am i not able to add to a group from group assignments?! Please Read.

–1 vote
asked Oct 9, 2023 in Mixing by dotcom12161984 (4,490 points)
What i want:  Ability to select a group by name via shortcut/macro AND the ability to ADD (not just remove) tracks, channels, busses etc. to already existing groups using group assignments (i know it looks like this is possible but it is currently NOT) AKA mix and match visibility of my grouped tracks and the ability to update a tracks group assignments

Why?:  If you've ever used a multi band eq or serato sample or anything where you can quickly add or takeaway what you're viewing or listening to you'll understand.  I press Background Vocal Group and that includes (FX, Busses, automation and everything else associated with my BG vocals.  I use "show track" shortcut and it shows only those tracks....I want to work on those BG vocals with my Instruments group that has everything associated with that, now i see only instruments and bg vocals groups,  i use my blank canvas macro (select first track, last track extend, hide track) i select the bg vocals group and just my strings group then my brass group then i select strings group and use hide track shortcut, I record a new Trumpet track and i want to add this to my brass group.....i check mark the brass group in the group assignment window.....i select brass group and use hide shortcut...all brass except the new trumpet track disappear because even though it shows as being a part of the brass group IT IS NOT.

So imagine being able to use a keyboard shortcut to quickly bring up any combination of groups, you hear an issue with your lead vocals, you press a macro that 1. finds group (lead vocals) 2. show tracks .....and you quickly isolate the problem.  Imagine how many scenes you would have to create to currently achieve a similar workflow.  How many scenes you'd have to remember.....If you randomly want to see your Low end Group and your Vocal Double FX group to work on a frequency clash for some reason? I want to mix and match visibility of my grouped tracks and use the group list or keyboard shortcut/macro to quickly achieve this.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 9, 2023 by dotcom12161984 (4,490 points)
To clarify, I can add new audio tracks to existing groups using group assignments but i cannot add FX, Busses, etc.  And my reason for using groups isn't necessarily editing but rather visibility.  I can make scenes but i can stack scenes (meaning i can't show drum scene and add instrument scene to the drum scene, i have to create a new scene) as opposed to adding drum group, instrument group now i can see instruments and drums at the click of a button but preferrably and hopefully at the press of a macro in an upcoming update.