Questions & Answers

Not getting any audio

+1 vote
asked May 11, 2017 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by lennardvdomburg (160 points)
Hi Guys

Just bought the Mobile 192 today. (MAC USER)

Plugged in my dynaudio monitors in main out. downloaded Universal Control and studio one. But nothing seems to work.

If I select the studio 192 in preferences it stops playing itunes for example and in studio one, I played a demo track, which played while using my internal sound card but when switched to the 192 it stopt playing as wel.. no sound..

Tried connecting a mic, no imput signal nothing... So far 2 hours without any sound... nothing in the manual about it please help.

Planning to use this for itunes/spotify/ableton etc... what am i missing..

Thanks in advance. Lennard

1 Answer

0 votes
answered May 11, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
Ensure your Mac meets System Requirements.

Ensure you have installed the current version of UC.

Once installed, open Universal Control and Update Firmware.

Also note that USB connections "are not" created equal between computers and connections.  Connect your Studio 192 with a standard USB 2.0 cable to test.

If you continue to have trouble, create a Support Ticket for further assistance.