Questions & Answers

Grace notes bug.

+1 vote
asked Jun 8, 2017 in Notion iOS by jcvillarreal (220 points)
edited Jun 9, 2017 by jcvillarreal

In Notion iOS (iPad Air) Grace notes are transformed into normal notes when I use the handwriting option. Is it possible to correct that bug?

(I will rewrite my doubt, for it seems that my doubt was not understood and the answer was not appropriate)

First I put the grace notes with the appropriate tool, then, when I use the tool handwriting, to contiue writing more notes, the previous grace notes that i put  before are transformed in normal eighth notes.

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jun 9, 2017 by ChrisS23 (13,770 points)
Hello, grace notes are not yet supported in handwriting mode. A full diagram of what elements are supported can be found in the help guide, and in the handwriting help guide (Settings>Handwriting>About...)

To add a grace note, use the grace note icon in the notehead palette

Many thanks
+1 vote
answered Jun 9, 2017 by jcvillarreal (220 points)

I think that does not explain me well, first I put the grace notes with the appropriate tool, then, when I use the tool handwriting, to contiue writing more notes, the previous grace notes that i put  before are transformed in normal eighth notes.
