Questions & Answers

Enhance "compare" function to a fully fledged A/B comparison feature in plugin header

+23 votes
asked Jul 2, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by stefanrauch1 (1,710 points)
Since we now have Undo/Redo for plugin parameter changes, the "compare" function in the plugin header seems to be kind of obsolete now.

The one thing you can not do with either Compare or Undo/Redo is to have two (or more) separate plugin states for quick comparison.

This is where a fully fledged A/B(C/D..) comparison feature would come in handy.

Check Fabfilter Plugins for inspiration :-)

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Jul 3, 2017 by AlexTinsley (925,630 points)
Best answer

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+1 vote
answered Jul 7, 2017 by requestsandquestions (1,040 points)
I'd like to see this too. A simpler comparison method of A/Bing would work better and from my experience, less confusingly than the current Compare button.
+1 vote
answered Aug 19, 2020 by bartoszzalewski (180 points)
That would be a great workflow booster!
+1 vote
answered Oct 17, 2021 by florianziegler (540 points)
I really like the stock EQ, but because of the fact that I can't make A/B comparisons, I had to buy a third party one, lol.