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2 new keystrokes needed (On/Off and Open Note FX window)

+3 votes
asked Jul 6, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by justinmeyer (3,020 points)
edited Jul 8, 2017 by justinmeyer


Studio One has a lot of efficient key shortcuts which really help users create
macros/scripts in order to work with a MIDI controller only.
(To avoid using the mouse each 5 seconds.)

However, I think there could/should be some additional key shortcuts, especially these 2:

1. Activate/Deactivate
At the moment it doesn't seem possible to activate/deactivate a VSTi, an effect or Note FX by a key shortcut.
Currently the only way is to click with the mouse cursor on the On/Off icon.
(Either upper left corner when the plugin is openend, or in the Inspector.)
So it's not possible without manually moving the mouse.
It would be enough if the key shortcut toggles the command (on/off), but the S1 macro should have a state.
So users would be 100% sure whether a VSTi, an effect or Note FX gets activated or deactivated.

Right now it's possible to open the effects and to switch from one to another (with key shortcuts only).
As addition, it would be perfect to activate/deactivate them with an additional keystroke.
(I know there is a keystroke which deactivates all effects, but I don't talk about this one.)

2. Note FX
It is possible to create scripts (for example with Midi tools) which for example
open the Browser and drag Note FX plugins into the current track and close the window.
However, it's not possible to open the Note FX window with a key shortcut after it was closed.
Way 1 is to navigate to the Note FX tab in the Inspector and to double click.
Way 2 is to click the icon in the track which is left to the VSTi icon.
Both ways are not safe when using scripts because:
1. Some VSTis have more lines in the inspector than others, so the position of Note FX can be different
2. If the track size is different, the icon's position will be different too, so no chance for a mouse script.

The safest way is a shortcut which opens the Note FX window.
If there's no Note FX plugin for the current track, nothing will happen when pressing the shortcut (logical).

Thanks for reading and rating :)

P.S. I see no disadvantage in adding these 2 shortcuts.

Edit - 08.07.17

Just made the thread title longer.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2017 by stuartmaxwell (4,200 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
I think point 1. is a duplicate of my request in -

Hopefully the votes can be accumulated if/when considered :)


0 votes
answered Jul 30, 2017 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)

Yes, seems so.

I voted.

Thanks for your support.