Questions & Answers

why do only get sound out of one ear.

+1 vote
asked Jul 6, 2017 in AudioBox USB by caseyforeman (160 points)
so i looked at this question like mine but it didnt work. i have the universal control software downloaded and the studio one remote downloaded and neither of them pic up my mic. on top of that when i try to stream my viewers say they can only hear out of one ear piece but i cant change anything on the software because the software doesnt even recconize my audiobox or mic. i dont know what to do.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jul 7, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
If you have installed UC for your AudioBox, but your AudioBox will not show as a connected device within your software or any software, then you may have a bad connection or a faulty AudioBox.  Contact PreSonus Support for assistance.

However, you do mention that you are able to get at least the left side thru your software.  This may be because most streaming software, even Skype for example, can only use WDM audio drivers.  WDM audio drivers are mostly used in pairs.  Channel 1 and 2 or a Left and and Right signal.  It is up to the software you use to use only a single input at a time.  Some streaming software do not let you choose only a single input channel.  Thus if you are using a single input channel, you will only hear it on one side.

There isn't much you can do about this.  

However, you might consider a Studio 2|6 over the AudioBox.  The Studio 2|6 has a virtual loop back feature.  This allows you to virtually route the main out audio back to a stereo input for streaming software.
0 votes
answered Apr 21, 2018 by johnwhite22 (630 points)
Check if the USB port you're plugging into goes directly into the motherboard. On a desk top the ports on the front of the box are wired and will not work with an Audiobox USB which must be plugged into the back USBs, i.e. direct to the motherboard.

Sounds stupid, worked the first try.