Questions & Answers

Studio 192 How to routing ADAT1

0 votes
asked Jul 16, 2017 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by paoloaldini (170 points)
I Have A Microphone connected on SPL Channel one and connected to ADAT1 (channel11) on studio 192 with toslink cable.
But When I speak on microphone , I don't hear my voice. Is it necessary to make a routing?
Where I can make this routing on UC Surface? And Can I Use an another DAW?
Thank you for your answer

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer

First, know that a "Toslink" cable will only work with a Toslink connection and only provide 2 channels of digital audio.

ADAT provides 8 channels of digital audio.  You cannot use a Toslink cable for ADAT connections.

Use an optical cable that specifically indicates ADAT.

Then you can monitor the ADAT channels in Universal Control.

Make sure you have Show ADAT set in settings.
