Questions & Answers

How can Update Firmware Studio 192?

+1 vote
asked Aug 18, 2017 in Studio 192 USB 3.0 Interfaces by gabrielgorostidi (160 points)
After an update process of the UC (,  my studio192 It doesn't work.
"Please Update Firmware device"

5 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 21, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer

Open the Universal Control Application, go to Settings>Update Firmware...

If you get a pop up telling you the firmware is up to date, click Update Anyway.

If the problem persists, we can try the following:

* Power off the Studio 192

* Whilst holding down the 'Talk' and 'Mono' buttons power on the Studio 192 (this will boot the Studio 192 into Load mode)

* Open the Universal Control application and try to force the firmware update again.

Should this still not resolve the firmware issue try connecting your Studio 192 with a USB 2.0 cable.

If again, the above steps fail to get the Studio 192 to function normally, I suggest trying all mentioned troubleshooting steps on a different computer.

If the problem still has not been resolved after you have tried troubleshooting with a different computer I suggest you have the Studio 192 exchanged from where you purchased it. 

If you cannot exchange, contact PreSonus Support for repairs if you are US or alternatively you can contact your local distributor for repairs internationally.

+5 votes
answered May 18, 2018 by KevinElib (2,030 points)
The issue I'm having is after attempting to force the update, there's no other options to click after it says The attached hardware is already up-to-date. I used both cables usb 3.0 and 2.0. Also tried on three Macs and still nothing. I read something awhile back about reverting to an older UC Software, perhaps maybe an older firmware backwards update or downdate could occur. NOTHING!
+6 votes
answered Sep 18, 2018 by cory baker (930 points)
This is utter nonsense. None of these things will help it. It was your firmware that did this. It was fine last week until UC said that i had a new update waiting. I downloaded and installed and poof! No box. Patch this or something. I spent a lot of money on this box for a guy who makes 15 bucks an hour. I made payments on it for 8 months! Please for the love of God fix this!
+3 votes
answered Sep 24, 2018 by robertfalkner (1,180 points)

Have the same Problem, "update firware" killed my Studio 192

I tried all this Things but nothing happend!! The on button is solid red!

I installed a very old Version of UC Surface and there was the Option of "Update anyway"

But updating ends with error 2010 !!!!

Hope Presous get this resolved ASAP

+4 votes
answered Sep 25, 2018 by ptownjohn (310 points)
having the same problem, there recommendation does not work.