Questions & Answers

Wouldnt it be nice to be able to zoom in and out with the mouse wheel ?

+25 votes
asked Aug 1, 2017 in Studio One 3 by robertgreer2 (240 points)
Dell XPS8900 i7 quad w/64 gigs of ram

Studio one pro v3

Focusrite 2i2

6 Answers

+1 vote
answered Aug 2, 2017 by justinmeyer (3,020 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
Hi robertgreer2,

In case you didn't know:
You can hold the Ctrl key pressed and use the mouse wheel to zoom.
Furthermore, you can hold the Shift key (or Alt - I don't remember).
The one combination is for vertical zoom, the other one for horizontal.

If you dislike this, there are surely 3rd party tools which can change the mouse wheel funtionality.
So when you use just the mouse wheel, it would be the same as Ctrl+mouse wheel.

0 votes
answered Aug 2, 2017 by vasilykorytov (11,560 points)
there are a lot of folks that use scroll for scrolling, not zooming. and use zoom in/out gestures for zooming.

actually, Reaper uses scroll for zooming and I consider this to be bad, non-intuitive and non-consistent approach. current S1 zooms on zoom and scrolls on scroll and that's way better.
+1 vote
answered Feb 9, 2019 by akiradanielduncan (510 points)
It would surely be a good option to have.
+2 votes
answered Feb 23, 2019 by brianfurlong (190 points)

So in agreement with @justinmeyer and as a Cubase user who is now using the S1 keyboard shortcuts, the following will work.

Ctl+Shift + MouseWheel Forward  Zoom in horizontally
Ctl+Shift + Mouse Wheel Backward Zoom out horizontally
Shift + Mouse Wheel Forward Scroll Horizontal backward (i.e. towards the beginning)
Shift + Mouse Wheel Backward Scroll Horizontal forward (i.e. towards the end)

And of course, Ctl + Mouse Wheel to achieve vertical zoom of tracks

Note: the interplay of Zoom Horizontal and Scroll Horizontal when you have the song completely zoomed out to appear completely in the arranger window is a bit clunky, if you try to zoom into the son again you will need to set the cursor into a section of the song to get the zoom to zoom and stay within the song itself, i.e. it doesn't start zooming past the end of the song.

Hope this helps. I don't mean in any way to suggest that the excellent use of the mouse as demonstrated in Joe Gilder's old tutorial is of less value but for people who may have difficulty with positioning the mouse with speed and accuracy and/or who come from the excellent Cubase wheel mouse scrolling this is an important feature for quickly feeling comfortable and attaining fluid speed in S1


Studio One 4 Pro

+1 vote
answered Dec 8, 2019 by maxbrandenburger (220 points)
Zooming in editor only works via mouse wheel if mouse arrow hovers over the bar on top of the audio event. I'd like to use the mouse wheel also while hovering over the audio itself. See attached video. Is there a way to do that? THANKS!
0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2020 by vultage (220 points)
Yes,.. you cannot zoom w the mouse wheel when cursor is on the audio!!! unless I'm missing something?  Using my chosen other DAW,.. I constantly,. Alt Wheel to zoom in,.. edit,.. Alt wheel to scroll out, then wheel to the next area needing editing. It's fast and no mouse movements are needed to zoom in and out!!!   With S1 I need to move to the top of the window in order to zoom in, mouse back to the edit point,.. edit,.. move mouse back up to zoom out, then back to find next edit point, it is super time consuming compared to what I'm used to!  This Single issue it huge for me and no matter how much I try to get used to it,.. the amount of time it slows down my editing with 4 extra mouse moves,..(not to mention losing the spot I'm trying to edit, or just edited) is so frustrating! I really want to move to S1 permanently, but until I'm able to zoom in and out without moving my mouse, it will not be possible!  Of all the things to keep me from switching, this simple thing becomes huge when time is money!!!     If there IS a way to zoom in and out (horizontal) while mouse is still over my audio,.. please tell me how,.. because I'm really a Presonus Fanboy,.. and absolutely Hate the company and cost of my current DAW!!!