Questions & Answers

VST3 Issue inside Studio One 3 with CC Automation?

+3 votes
asked Aug 6, 2017 in Studio One 3 by patricklindsey (570 points)

If you use any VSTi 3 and want to control the instrument for example with Cableguys MidiShaper or Five12 Numerology it doesn't work. But if you use VST2 or AU it will work.

If you do the same setup in Cubase 9 for example it works with VST3.

System I'm using is OS X Sierra 10.12.6 and Studio One 3.5.1 Pro.

- Open up any VST3 Instrument

- Use MidiShaper / Numerology or any other plugin which can send CC information.

- I use for example Arturia Mini 3 and use CC#7 for Volume which im modulating with the MidiShaper LFO, input is set to MidiShaper - Channel 1 (now you can see that the volume knob is automated)

- start playback and suddenly the modulation stops until you stop the playback again.

like mentioned before, if I do the same setup with VST2 or AU, all is working fine.

and In Cubase 9 everything is working as expected so it has something to do Studio One is handling VST3.

is there maybe any setting in the preferences i overlooked or can it be a bug?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Aug 8, 2017 by patricklindsey (570 points)
here a little video regarding this issue...

hope this understand the issue..