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please make it optional to use the mute button independent from the solo button

+16 votes
asked Aug 16, 2017 in Studio One Feature Requests by christianlauterbach (2,300 points)
If you activate the solo button in S1, it uses the mute button of all channels except the ones you put in solo to deactivate them. S1 doesn't have seems to have a separate "invisible mute function* like most hardware consoles, or for example Pro tools or Logic have. That means that you can't solo a channel, then mute it while it is still in solo. Also soloing unmutes all channels, buses and FX channels that are in solo safe mode.

This makes it complicated to mute these channels while soloing any other channel. You either have to disable the solo safe mode and then mute it, or bring the fader to zero. Just switching over from Pro Tools I haven't found a better workaround yet. I think it's a real slow downer in a large mix session.

3 Answers

+2 votes
answered Aug 16, 2017 by Skip Jones (166,990 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer

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+4 votes
answered Nov 18, 2017 by stevenicel (3,930 points)
I'd add that there needs to be more solo workflow options in general in Studio One. We can hold "Alt" to get "solo defeats previous" but what about the reverse of that?
I also think the mute/solo/record buttons need clearer definition on the UI. It sometimes gets too hard to see what tracks are in Solo Save Mode versus normal using certain colours on tracks (the ones I find easiest to work with anyway). A small neat border could help define and separate the buttons along with some better UI contrasting perhaps?.
0 votes
answered May 28, 2019 by rogerkeay (720 points)
I've upvoted this as this has been a deal-breaker for me regarding S1 >= v4.0. I've had to go back to Pro Tools because the solo in place is broken whether or not it was designed to work the way it does. One other problem I have found is that unsoloing the track releases the function and most of the muted channels unmute, as per the mute button indicator, but several channels don't play. Either you have to go the silent track and mute then unmute it, or stop the transport, then hit play again. It makes it impossible to achieve a smooth workflow for mixing, and if you're like me, I like to mix as I go, doing overdubs becomes extremely frustrating.