Questions & Answers

Ussing passive monitors with audiobox iOne

0 votes
asked Sep 28, 2017 in AudioBox USB by ajlozano (1,020 points)

Hello board, I have a question: I've found a vendor of a  pair of Alesis Monitor One MK II monitors.
They are passive and need a 70W amp to sound.
Audiobox iOne's output power will be enough to get some decent volume to work with?
Or just need amplified monitors.? (Decent volume range equals 4 from 0 to 10)
I known, I known, but those monitors are in good price, and I dont have enough money
to get something better.
Thanks !

2 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 6, 2017 by butchrichard (131,350 points)
Best answer
The AudioBox outputs are line level, so you can use any passive and or powered monitor speakers.  

You might google around for some articles regarding passive versus powered speakers.  There are pros and cons to anything.  One may work better for your situation and intended use.

Sound on Sound has very good articles.
0 votes
answered Oct 8, 2017 by ajlozano (1,020 points)

Thanks you for the reply !!!!
So, my audiobox iOne can feed those monitors? Woowwww !
Really great news. I've found this article:
Seems that finally maybe I will be able to have my first pair of proper monitor speakers !
The Alesis are a very good price , and knowing my audiobox will be ok as amp for them
now i have a very good opportunity to invest my hard-earn money.
Yessss !!!
