Questions & Answers

Closing Plugins

+16 votes
asked Oct 4, 2017 in Studio One 3 by mauricesudhakar (390 points)
It's not possible to close the Plugin by pressing (esc).



11 Answers

+1 vote
answered Oct 12, 2017 by yishayraziel1 (730 points)
Or cmd+w....
+1 vote
answered Oct 12, 2017 by mauricesudhakar (390 points)
cmd+w doesn't work
0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2017 by andrefreitag1 (2,070 points)
works by "close window" command with F12 (macOS fn key + F12).

You can change it in the key command setting or set a multiple shortcut.

Look here (German):

0 votes
answered Oct 12, 2017 by yishayraziel1 (730 points)

I don't see any close window command in studio one.

The close command is closing the whole program.

+1 vote
answered Oct 13, 2017 by andrefreitag1 (2,070 points)


in english language version search for "Toogle Floating Window"

By the way... DonĀ“t you know the command term but you know the shortcut, carry this out and open your keyboard shortcuts settings. It will display the command for the last shortcut that you used. 

+1 vote
answered Oct 13, 2017 by niles (54,630 points)

answer by andrefreitag1: Toggle Floating Windowcloses all floating windows (except the detached mixer and editor), not only the window in focus.

0 votes
answered Oct 13, 2017 by andrefreitag1 (2,070 points)
edited Oct 13, 2017 by andrefreitag1

@ niles For me it close only the Plugin window or all plugin windows if more than one open. Even if i do select another window in the focus. The console (mixer), edit window etc. remain standing.

Is there perhaps a difference between Win and OSX? Has wrote with maurice... It works for him too.

look here the videoscreen:

0 votes
answered Oct 13, 2017 by niles (54,630 points)

answer by andrefreitag1 Correct, Console and Editor are not affected on Windows either. However Toggle Floating Windows does affect all other floating windows at once, like (pinned) Insert editors, Instrument editors, detached panel (quantize, macro etc.), External device editor, video player, MIDI monitor, Performance Monitor, Metronome Setup etc.

Is that different on Mac?

On Windows  I close single windows with ALT+F4 btw.

0 votes
answered Sep 26, 2019 by manuelsenfft (310 points)
The "Toggle Floating Windows" is a nice option to assign a key to. But yes: it does close / toggle all open windows instead of just the focused one. Furthermore it is not possible to assign the escape-key / ESC to any keyboard shortcut.
0 votes
answered Dec 9, 2022 by FaveDave (780 points)
Yes -- it should be command W on Macs!
0 votes
answered Dec 23, 2023 by mariusduboule (230 points)

Toogle Floating Window tied to Cmd + W helps a little bit but it would be ideal to be able to close the current active windows only and not all windows together. 
