Questions & Answers

3.5.2 update downloading but not installing

+1 vote
asked Oct 5, 2017 in Studio One 3 by jamestate1 (140 points)
I have studio one 3 pro, I can download the new update, but as soon as the download reaches 100%, the studio one program closes completely, it never installs the update. When you relaunch the program, it shows previous version not Windows is up to date, no issues with S1 prior to downloading the update.

Home built pc, Asus Z97pro Mother Board

Intel i7 4770k

32gb ram

Windows 7 pro 64bit up to date

Focusrite pro40 interface

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 5, 2017 by karstenvogt (3,450 points)
Be happy and keep the old version. The latest one is a total crash fest here when closing a project. And it drops midi notes. Consider using the previous version.