Questions & Answers

Q-mix impossibley small on Android Phone LG G4

0 votes
asked Oct 13, 2017 in StudioLive Series III by MikeGoodwin (1,890 points)
The screen layout is SOOOOO small on the Android phone app. Not sure if it is the same with apple devices. I could not even enter the unlock code to use it. I could select the settings icon after trying about a dozen times but when I pressed in the area where you would enter the unlock code nothing happens.

Am I missing something? If not could we please have way to at least enter the code on the phones.

On the up side it connected to the mixer perfectly and looks exactly like the desktop interface.

All the Best!

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Nov 3, 2017 by jspring (10,770 points)
Best answer

Hi Mike,

It sounds like you are trying to use UC Surface on this device rather than Qmix-UC.

Qmix-UC does not have an unlock code, or a place to enter one, and there is no desktop version of Qmix-UC.

UC Surface does have these things though, but UC Surface is not designed to be used on a phone or phone-sized device.

It sounds like you need to use Qmix-UC on your LG G4 phone:
