Questions & Answers

rm16ai Firewire 800 to Windows 10 Desktop

0 votes
asked Nov 23, 2017 in Ai Mixers by codycass (120 points)
Just recently started using my old Studio Setup again as I am just now moved into my new house in a different state. I used to run this wireless but I got rid of the router and decided to run it hard wired. My main issue is that even though I have my rm16ai linked up to my desktop via firewire 800, it will not recognize it. When I run a ethernet cable from my desktop to the rm16ai, it recognizes it but says that there is no connectivity. I have swapped out the firewire 800 cable, updated the drivers, and power cycled it multiple times. I have rebooted my computer 4 times, and have reinstalled UC 3 times just in case. I am still left with nothing. I really need to get this thing up and running so I can start recording. Any help would be appreciated!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2021 by billwallace1 (140 points)
Did you receive and answer to this question?  I now have an RM16ai and am wanting to do some firewire multitrack recording myself.