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I just bought Audiobox USB 96 and i hear crackling sound together with music. And it's bad. What should i do?

+1 vote
asked Nov 25, 2017 in AudioBox USB by viktordudkevych (300 points)
I just bought Audiobox USB 96 and i hear crackling sound together with music when i listen to it in Studio One and other programs. What shoud i do to get rid of this crackling sound?

12 Answers

0 votes
answered Nov 25, 2017 by sam70 (870 points)
edited Nov 25, 2017 by sam70
It can be too high input gain. It can be too low latency (bufor size) and your computer have a problem with performance.
It can be something other but first look at this things and try to change it. In software controller and DAW must be the same parameters of settings like buffor, sampling rate...
+6 votes
answered Nov 26, 2017 by viktordudkevych (300 points)
edited Nov 26, 2017 by viktordudkevych

No. You are not right sam70. My computer is a laptop and it works well with this sound card. I found the reason and it was simple, but Presonus manufacturer didn't write about it in guide book inside of a package. The main problem was that USB 96 is a 2.0 USB type and most of laptops have now blue usb port which is called 3.0. When i plugged in USB 96 into it - that caused a crackling sound. I found one black usb port in my laptop which is 2.0 USB and the sound now is ok. I think that manufacturer could write about it in their user's guide.

0 votes
answered Jun 3, 2021 by justinboreland (230 points)
Having the exact same problems and I have the M1 MacBook Pro. The device keeps popping, even when I’m just playing iTunes. I’ll try the USB 2.0 theory and get back to you guys.
0 votes
answered Sep 20, 2021 by owwauxpg (170 points)
Did connecting to usb2.0 hub on m1 Mac solved it? I have same problem with crackling on m1 Air.
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2022 by ericpawlak1 (140 points)

Thanks for the anwser viktordudkevych . I have exactly the same problem, i have only USB3 ports on my laptop lenovo and all of them crackling with this audio card on Ableton 10 or 11.
It's completly true, the manufacturer could write this in their user's guide.

What a shame ! 

+1 vote
answered May 16, 2022 by tomdeacon (160 points)
I have my Audiobox 96 plugged in to a USB 3.0 port and have crackling. I found that simply turning down the output volume (to about 75%) from the laptop solved the problem...
0 votes
answered Sep 7, 2022 by tydonkommel (160 points)
edited Sep 8, 2022 by tydonkommel
I have an M1 mac mini with 3.0 ports but I have an adapter that has one 2.0 port.  I moved the Audiobox to the 2.0 port and it fixed the issue

UPDATE: this only reduced the crackling/clicking, the issue still exists
0 votes
answered Feb 17, 2023 by flopicorp (140 points)
Hi, I am Waxicaná from Guatemala, I just had the same issue with a M2 MacBook Pro, I used an USB type "C" to have more USB ports, but they are 3.0, so I have another USB ports splitter which is 2.0, and problem solved. I hope this helps you out.
0 votes
answered Oct 3, 2023 by SashaBremner (140 points)
I just received mine & have the same issue.  I have USB 2.0 & still the issue is persisting.  Anything that plays through it crackles.
0 votes
answered Nov 26, 2023 by mattlebon (150 points)
So @tomdeacon suggestion worked for me. Put your output volume on windows to 75 or lower and that totally fixed the problem.

Anyone still having issues with this, try that first. Then try plugging into USB 2.0. If it's still doing it sure keep looking for solutions or just return the thing if you can.

Luckly volume at 75 or below worked perfectly and I felt dumb because I couldn't believe that was the solution even though I'm not sure how Tom even thought of that.

Now I'm about to try the same with the output to my drum module and see if it helps (though the crackling isn't nearly as bad on that and seems buffer related. Problem is I need the buffer low to keep the latency as low as possible)
0 votes
answered Jun 11, 2024 by davidlake3 (280 points)
I have found the solution for this...

I bought one of these units too, as their equipment is generally considered decent, it looked good and had good reviews. But immediately I was getting cracking and popping all the time, even when audio was not clipping. I tried all kinds of different things for a few weeks and then finally came up with a solution...

Put it back in the box, give it to a friend and tell them if they keep the master output in their audio application about 80% it works most of the time. Then buy a ********* UMC 202HD. It's the same price, supports 192 kHz and has absolutely no faults. You can even play audio at a couple DB above clipping and it's completely content. For all the belittling that ********* equipment gets, I've owned multiple pieces of their gear through the years and every one of them has performed as good or better than other pieces of similar gear at a lot less money.

Alternate solution: you can just throw the Presonus in the trash, as that's about what it's worth.

EDIT:  That's hilarious, they won't let me use the name of a competing company, they put little stars. What a sad company. Won't ever buy or use any equipment or software from them again.
0 votes
answered Jun 25, 2024 by EricNelson7018 (140 points)
Yep, same problem here. Playback from browsers was good one minute and bad the next, but playback from DAW (FL Studio) was a nightmare. I messed with settings on the DAW and Universal Controller for an hour. I was ready to chuck this puppy out the window.

Go to your computer speaker output and dial it down from 100% until it's gone. That's it.