Questions & Answers

Markers window.

+11 votes
asked Nov 30, 2017 in Studio One 3 by TRevMFB (3,280 points)
A simple pinable window containing click enabled jump to marker functions. This is easier than the ‘+N’ and ‘+B’ keystroke commands scrolling through markers and would be easier to navigate than remembering the  numeric key.

2 Answers

+3 votes
answered Nov 30, 2017 by jonnylipsham (14,860 points)
selected May 22, 2018 by AlexTinsley
Best answer
You can open the Arranger Track for this, and have the inspector for the arranger track open on the left hand side of the event view, to the left of the tracks. You can fully customise the colours of each section and rename sections as appropriate for your song, and you can tab through the sections as desired.
+2 votes
answered May 9, 2019 by emilianobrescacin (960 points)
Yes a floating marker window like in pro tools will be great!