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PLEASE HELP! Problem with setting up I/O channel on Studio One Prime with iRig Keys I/O

0 votes
asked Dec 5, 2017 in Studio One 3 by danielwright7 (120 points)


I must be doing something wrong here and I would really appreciate someone's advice. I have the new iRig Keys I/O and I'm trying to set it up in Studio One to record it as a midi instrument as well as a direct line in on the guitar. Midi instrument works fine no problem.

When I go to set up the I/O I only have one option on the output and every time i activate the channel it sends back horrendous feedback but I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I can slightly hear the guitar underneath it and it also seems to have a slight latency to it.

I've attached screens of exactly what I've set up


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 12, 2018 by hakiazbf (140 points)
If it is WINDOWS, it seems that the ASIO driver can not be used.

Please install the free software "asio4all".

Then select audio device as as4all.

all the best

Naoki Tachizaki

form Japan
0 votes
answered Apr 8, 2018 by richardthomsen (720 points)
I similarly have horrible sound in Studio One 3 with a Keys I/O 49 and 'WINDOWS AUDIO'.  It is a loud clicking sound.  I installed ASIO4ALL and the noise goes away when choosing ASIO4ALL as the audio device.  However the Keys I/O 49 is a WASAPI device and is supposed to natively work with Windows 10 without ASIO4ALL.  My understanding is that Studio One also supports WASAPI with Windows 10.  I just placed a ticket to IK Multimedia.  If you are reading this and have the same problem, I recommend placing a ticket to IK Multimedia as well.  I will post back if I get resolution on this problem.