Questions & Answers

Universal Control for Windows

+2 votes
asked Jan 1, 2018 in Studio One 3 by chadwilliams8 (140 points)
recategorized Jan 1, 2018 by chadwilliams8
I purchased AudioBox 96 Studio for my son, we have Windows 8.1 64 bit, I am on step 2 in the manual AudioBox USB96 USB Audio Interface Quick Start Guide that came with it, and it says to download the following from your My PreSonus user account "Universal Control for Windows" I don't see that anywhere on the My PreSonus screen.  Please advise.  Studio One Artist Version.

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 4, 2018 by gregdenson (7,900 points)

I assume you're created a my.presonus account, so once you log in you should be able to see "My Products" at the top of the screen.

If you haven't already, register your audiobox. Once registered, it should show up under your hardware products.

There's a link for "View more details".

Click on that and it'll take you to where you can download any software you need.

0 votes
answered Jan 6, 2018 by williampowell (140 points)
I am having the same issue. It does not appear in my account, and I have registered the product. I can download Studio One but I do not see the Universal Control for Windows option. If you find an answer please share. The answer below did not help.
+1 vote
answered Jan 6, 2018 by gregdenson (7,900 points)
For me, clicking on view more details brought me to a page for downloading

the universal control.

That said, a quick google for "presonus universal control download" brought up a support link to download.
+1 vote
answered Dec 27, 2018 by kimitake (210 points)
I couldn't find it at My.PreSonus page but found it at