Questions & Answers

Can the Faderport 16 use all 16 faders for track volume or only the first 8?

0 votes
asked Feb 12, 2018 in FaderPort 16 by russburke (170 points)
I have read that control surfaces using Mackie protocol can only use 8 faders for volume.

To access the faders on the second bank or more in the DAW you always need to use a shift key and use the same 1 to 8 faders on the hardware. Therefore the 9 to 16 faders are redundant with respect to track volume.

They can be assigned for send Etc but you cannot in effect use all 16 faders to control track volumes 1 to 16 at the same time. Can anyone confirm this as I am wanting to purchase the 16 faders version but if they are not fully working on 16 channels at once it seems pointless to pay the extra.

I am initially wanting to use with Cubase 9.5

Regards Russ

4 Answers

0 votes
answered Mar 1, 2018 by kwanzastevens (570 points)
selected Jun 12, 2019 by nickmaggio
Best answer

Here’s what PreSonus told me: 

When setting up the FaderPort 16 as an MCU device you will need to set up Port 1 as a Mackie MCU device and Port 2 will need to be setup as a Mackie MCU Extender. Depending on the DAW you may need to setup the ports in reverse for the channels to show in the correct order on the FaderPort 16.

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answered Feb 14, 2018 by kwanzastevens (570 points)
It will only work if Cubase 9.5 supports Mackie Control Extenders.
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answered Feb 20, 2018 by LHandley (3,490 points)
Cubase 9.5 does suppose MC extenders. In fact, that's why I had to stop using it. I have three control surfaces, and Cubase FORCES the second and third to be extenders, so that I cannot access channels 9-24 from the first one. Steinberg indicated they have no plans to address the issue.
0 votes
answered Mar 5, 2018 by jurajsolan (140 points)
I use the FP 16 also with Nuendo 6.5. You have to configure Nuendo in 4 steps as the manual says. Driver for second 8 faders, then driver for first 6 faders and then both Mackie Control devices will need to be switched to Compatibility mode. All 16 faders are fully fonctional