Questions & Answers

Notes in piano roll not always playing back when clicked

0 votes
asked Feb 24, 2018 in Studio One 3 by nicolasschuele (310 points)
When I click on notes in the piano roll, they don't always play back. I'm using the piano roll a lot when composing and not being able to hear them when clicked is really an issue.

Does anybody else have this issue?

4 Answers

+1 vote
answered Feb 25, 2018 by stefanrauch1 (1,710 points)
selected Feb 25, 2018 by nicolasschuele
Best answer
Could be related to an issue I experience, where Midi Notes won`t play on click if "cursor follows edit position" is enabled.

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2018 by niles (54,670 points)

You say:

they don't always play back

Does that mean you have Audition Notes enabled in the inspector of the musical editor, when it occurs? 

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2018 by nicolasschuele (310 points)

Does that mean you have Audition Notes enabled in the inspector of the musical editor, when it occurs? 

Yes, Audition Notes is enabled.

0 votes
answered Feb 25, 2018 by nicolasschuele (310 points)

Could be related to an issue I experience, where Midi Notes won`t play on click if "cursor follows edit position" is enabled.

That did it! Thanks!
